Providing fast speed / perfect security /
optimal convenience
Decentralization of the world is
our future vision

Blockchain Authentication Technology

SIGMACHAIN proposes various forms of authentication methods using blockchain.


Decentralized Identifiers


Decentralized Single Sign On

DID(Decentralized Identifiers)

DID stores the identity and identity verification agency's ID on the blockchain. The verification agency issues Verifiable Claims only once, and the intermediate node verifies the identity and only delivers the result (O or X) to the service provider during service sign-up or login.
Information related to the ID is only held by the identity owner, and no third party has access to it.

DSSO (Decentralized Single Sign On)

  • Sign up and log inFor all the DAPPS on Public Mainnet
  • Blockchain

DSSO allows users to securely access all Blockchain Mainnet-based services with a single ID, following a user-centric ID policy and protecting personal information.